
New Crush (non-orange-flavored)

Students, and let me be clear here: undergraduate state-U. students. These are "students" in the sense that they are "learning" things for the duration of a course, with the ultimate goal of reaching a degree, which is for them just a job credential. Fuck them.

Learning is--and take it from me, the talking "ape" (you ass)--good for its own sake as well as for further ends. Sure. But then why in the hell do these "students" not care? Well because they are brainwashed into gunning for the black Navigator with two different DVD players and a Playstation setup and a sound system scientifically proven to cause your GODDAMN EADRUMS TO RUPTURE YOU LITTLE BASTARDS I WAS TRYING TO SLEEP!

Who in their right minds would think it was a good idea to teach kids to get noisy toys instead of reading books? But then, a job as an attorney is just a way to get rich, just as is medicine, or a stock-broker's (okay yeah that last one really is)--right? These whiny "I need an A" little whiners sniveling and whining about how its not fair to have to THINK, well, they can go cry to their mommies and daddies about how their tuition money bought them a rejection letter from their school of choice. Also they claim they don't understand, but they don't ask questions. Pathetic.

Oh by the way new crush "in" my life. Of course damn fine Homo sapiens are out of my league, so it looks like sweaty palms and tears for a while.


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