
hey yalls. i want to link to some shit b/c I feel like promoting some stuff i like. iIf you are like internet-savvy you know about this but if not then read this: check my friend eripsa (link on the right). he is a saintly man, as a recent post attests.
okay bizness is out of the way. anybody heard of Norma Jean? they are like this sort of grind/hard-core group, their first albut was produced by adam doll i believe. they just put out a new one "o god the aftermath" it is the shit. i'm impressed by their skill because a lot of grind is like, just hackety hack hack no-talent shit. and now i guess because mastodon is all going art-rock and also dillenger escape plan is pussified i guess we have to move on and keep on.
but that's okay cuz a lot of bands just say what they have to say and then turn to crap. what i mean is that youthful idealism is the driving force behind a lot of bands being good. or getting lame. or both. when they make a few records they just run out of things to say and then their edge goes. some groups take a long time to do it like the rolling stones. some take not long at all like any one-hit wonder that was not total shit to begin with. like limp bizkit which is shit but like when they started not total shit but then quickly became shit because fred durst turns out to be a bad writer. he should've stuck to like producing former rappers gone folkies. also eminem is about the opposite in that he is in a slow and steady decline who still has skills that are obvious but technical skill without inspiration = total lack of vitality so he is just aging and not changing (tho his new political angle might be good cuz everybody loves a rags 2 riches story guy advising them on how to be). maybe the beatles were the only group that got better as they got older. how sad is that? p.s. i like them. so but ansyway lots of bands hit album no.2 and like peter out or go on to have good careers that change and grow and by that i mean they don't do the same old thing. the ramones like played about the same three songs for thirty years and coasted on a body of work basically complete by 1980 (ie b4 i wuz born). the sex pistols only burned like a supernova and then went cold. album 2 is the defining moment. thus dillenger seems to have collapsed (rip adam d.'s limbs).
but maybe like real arty-type groups/artists can keep going. bowie was always uneven so that saved him. hendrix's second was a sell out b/c of the 3-minute cap on songs and you knew the end was nigh--he lived on the energy of the damn hippy generation anyway and could not survive them even tho he was bach-like true genius all the way. nirvana was obviously doomed from the beginning, another icarus story. biggie knew the score. anyway that is why i fucking get pissed because the early energy is lost, the rush is gone, and even with talent all you get is a form-letter read through a crackling microphone for like ten years and then they break up. so album two is the moment because it has to be better than before but not so good you curse yourself with too high expectations but if you can't reproduce then skru off because your were not good anyway. it's idealism, energy, youth, agression/depression/repression/obsession that makes it good. and once you get past that the novelty is gone, and the real truth of such music (and yeah there's lots of other kinds of music) is in the newness, the freshness, the "edginess" (crap word that it is), that makes it catharsis and rejuvenation to put into your brain. so anyway Norma Jean O God the Aftermath. check as well: Godspeed You! Black Emperor "Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven" (not the same kind of music) for catharsis.
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