

Suppose you've got to explain a quote from an article. Call it an "assignment", kind of like a journalist, or a treasure hunter. Now, you have the quote, and you're supposed to "explain what [this quote] means", and you have the article available to peruse. Does this suggest to you reading the article? Because to undergrads at this particular university, reading the article isn't the first thing that comes to mind.

Now suppose there're four terms/phrases in the quote, all explicated/defined in the article. Would you suppose that "explaining" means to disambiguate those terms/phrases? Because to undergrads at this particular university EXPLANATION APPARENTLY JUST MEANS FUCKING REPHRASING OR REPEATING THE GODDAMN PASSAGE OVER AND OVER LIKE A BROKEN RECORD OF A RETARDED MONKEY WITH SHORT-TERM MEMORY LOSS!

Take, to pick an example out of the air, the word 'adequate'. That word is used (let's pretend) in the article with a special meaning and emphasis and application. Now, what would you say about it? Surely not:
This does not mean that every person gets whatever health care they want but only health care that is of an adequate level.
That from [a relatively] good [student] in [the referenced course. --f.] I'm surrounded by boneheads. Maybe they're too busy fucking each other to do homework. I might forgive them for that.

Thank jebus I don't have to teach these little [people who enjoy the "tubgirl" website. --f.] I'd go (pardon my Francais) apeshit on their asses. Maybe soon we can tell these one-hemisphere-wonders to bugger off, and bring in the real talent.


Blogger january girl said...

It's really not fair to compare our students to apes when apes are obviously brighter, having failed to be raised on britney spears, mcdonald's, and talking heads.

What our students need is an intensive month-long debrainwashing camp in the summer before they attend. Unfortunately, the administration won't return my phone calls about this issue.

22/4/05 08:12  

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