

sum ppl ax m3 f 1 tok lyx thif 4 @ r3zUn. oopz, sorry ^_^ yeah i do it cuz i think itz funny+amuz1n'. f u don' lyk 't, fx off. thx. (btw, 'qxn'=quaesto) an' no 1 d0n7 6o++a AOL scrnname, fx AOL/IM/IRC! n00b0rz n l4m3rz fxn w/me stylez, geddafugoudaheah.

nu music frm NIN i hear fr. 'ripsa is shiiitee. c'nt w8 2 hear 't, 'e sez 'e makez m3 a coppy. wuz lissenin' 2 prtty h8 mchne, 'tz a prtty kool albm (w3rd).

yeah so but a lot of people are like thinkin' that he duznt have tha juice no more, which is prolly tru. but 'f u think about it, 'e squeezed so much juice out tha 1st few yrs, he cn't've much left in doze nutz. after all 'e's like in mid-late 30s and thatz a time for settlin an babymakin' 'n' shit. so az an ode man he gotta leave a little 4 tha kidz (u hear 'bout him gettin a wife or sumfin? i aint hear that). but f not then f him anyways.

i mean i stuck tru when like evrybody sed t fragile wuz shitty overproduced, but itz not--'n besidez t. rez is a producer frum way back. i mean he have a live band fo sho' butt that don't mean he don' make alla sounz firs' in he studio. he do, an i like ta see u try 't. the man a str8 playa w/that protoolz+synths+he plays mean guitarr. 's only overproduced 'f therez no reason 4 't 2 b that way, but 'sposda be like a whole piece've muzik as in a symfony or conchairtoe conducted by tha composeur. tha hole album be like that, ovva piece, as they sez, an so fit 2gethR jigsaw-ly. a com-po-zi-shun.

but f tha news disc aint so good then fine i gonna not be so much a fan no mo', tho' i gotta b hones' 'n' tell u 'tz gonna be kinda like lissenin' 2 the final cut 4 tha 1st time: realizin' that best band done broked upp or fxdup or somefin'. mebby t. rez needz 2 go bax on smax? cleanin' up frm drugz aint rarely done noboddy no good just look @ missy e. gots me fingerz cross'd, out.


Blogger eripsa said...

No, its not bad. Its just that he said 'rock album' and I thought 'broken' and I got... well, I got the same kind of disappointment I got when filter went abercrombie and manson oh dear god manson and

I mean some of the tracks are tolerable, but like and dont get me wrong, I loved the fragile honestly. I saw them on that tour. on the ucsd campus, basketball court, filled to choking with black shirts and white faces and cigarettes and alternate-realities me and I sat there and watched trent overact and loved every minute of it and smoked a cigarette in public proudly and the people below me singing every word of hurt and me just bathing in the overwhelming selfloating in a concentrated

and trent is obviously working at these albums, trying to make them into something, but its not there, and he doesn't have a song left in him and his tinkering on his machines may sound good, maybe even catchy but

19/4/05 00:34  
Blogger Gdog said...

yeh, 'twould be teh suck 'f t.rez didn't have anyfin lef'. an' i gots tha live album, which'z the shizzle. so'z mebbe 'e give a good tour in tha u. area.

'rock', yeh i dunno 'f 'rock' 'z like what nin 'sposeda be anyways. lke i sez 'ez a producer 1st+4most, an' also u gotta think 'ez influenced by tha recent mixin' 'a synthz w/hard rox muzik. cf. prtty much every big non-garage rock band nowsaday. inqubus bein' a good 'zample but therez a lot mo'. (i aint so much likin a lotta recent muzik, guess i'z getin' ode.)

btw i gots 2 disagree re broken b/c i don' fink thas' so much a rock disc neither. mebbe 'e shoulda made a dance reckerd.

19/4/05 10:00  

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